Friday, May 3, 2013

April Showers bring May Snow????

It's been a few months of chaos in my home! Life has just been crazy busy with working two jobs, going to school and taking 4 classes (oh who's ingenious idea was that), and being momma to my precious baby girl! The most exciting thing that has been going on during these last few months is that I have been very diligently working on having my weight loss surgery. Starting towards the end of January we were waiting for my surgery to be approved by the insurance company. That was two weeks of me being a neurotic mess and being highly impatient. After that the fun began, I had to start meeting with the surgeon, the nutritionist, the physical therapist, and then a psychologist. Most of the time I lucked out and was able to schedule all my appointments in one day. I was given a surgery date of 4/5/13. Which was perfect it gave me a little over  a month from surgery to lose some weight and get in my dress for Brittney's wedding in May. Between January and surgery I had to work very diligently on changing my diet and changing my eating habits, along with that I had to learn how to exercise more frequently. I think I successfully accomplished this task because I managed to lose 32 pounds before surgery

Anyway, at this point it has been four weeks since surgery and I have lost another 21 pounds and I'm 9 pounds away from being under 300 pounds. I'm super duper excited! So much closer to my goal already. It's amazing! I have more energy already and love going to play with my little girl! It's the greatest feeling in the world feeling like I can keep up with her!

Lorelai is doing amazingly well! She has been fighting some allergies but seems to be handling it well. She seems to be talking more and more everyday. Along with that she is learning new words and she repeats just about everything. I really have to watch what I'm saying around her. Every time I look at her it seems that she has gotten taller. We are anxious for the weather to warm up. We had a taste of 80 degree weather and now its cold rainy and in the 40s and its May!

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